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To all my fans and friends around the world !

You have given me so much joy and support throughout the years. As I look back on my tours and recordings, it’s hard to believe that our journey together spans over five decades of touring and over 50 records !

I would like to add that one of my greatest rewards has been to receive messages from some of you saying that my music has helped you going through difficult moments in your life.

Everyone ages differently, which leads to different decisions about retiring, or semi-retiring,

I am now 81 years old and I decided to stop touring and do a rare concert once in a while, work on album remastering/reissues (those which I own and control, which is not all of them), doing master classes and perhaps a few more recording collaborations. These rare concerts, remasters/reissues, master classes and recordings will be announced when confirmed, first on my website and then on my Facebook page.

I also want to express my deepest gratitude to all the musicians and technicians who have collaborated with me during all these years. The highlight of touring was of course going onstage to perform in front of audiences all-around the world, but life on the road was also about sharing all the travelling and living like nomads, changing cities and hotels almost every day. We were faraway from our close relatives and it often created a bond that made us feel like we were family and still are. I saw the musical communication among band members gaining in depth and triggering emotions in our playing that were absorbed by our audiences.  I cherish these memories and all the memorable moments that we lived together.

Thank you all for understanding, from the bottom of my heart !

Merci, obrigado, danke, spasibo, domo arigato, gracias !
